Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Communications with Faculty Members at Geosciences

Faculty member
Department of Geosciences
SUNY at Stony Brook

Dear Colleague,

I would like to bring to your attention my new Web site and invite you to post a comment. The Web site http://suny-stonybrook.blogspot.com/ intends to document the discrimination against conservative and other non-liberal scientists at the universities in the United States in hiring, retention and promotion, and includes my account of persecution at your Department. This is an opportunity for you to break the wall of silence, explain your role in my persecution, or the reasons for your inaction. I hope you will rise to this occasion.

Sincerely yours,
Tibor Gasparik
Research Associate Professor

This e-mail was sent to the following faculty members at the Department of Geosciences:

Daniel Davis, Gilbert Hanson, William Holt, Scott McLennan, Hanna Nekvasil, John Parise, Brian Phillips, Troy Rasbury, Richard Reeder, Martin Schoonen, Lianxing Wen, Teng-fong Wong

Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2005 11:02:54 -0400
From: Teng-fong Wong
Subject: meeting
To: Tibor Gasparik
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
Original-recipient: rfc822;tomanti@optonline.net

Dear Tibor,
I have been away and just came back. It seems that there are one or two things that we need to discuss. Any chance you can drop by my office later this week or next week to have a chat?
Hope you have a pleasant summer.

Teng-fong Wong, Chair and Professor of Geophysics
Department of Geosciences, ESS Building
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2100, USA
Chair's office: (631) 632 8139
Faculty office: (631) 632 8212 Lab:(631) 632 8302
Fax: (631) 632 8240
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 10:15:31 -0400
From: Teng-fong Wong
Subject: Re: meeting
To: Tibor Gasparik
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
Original-recipient: rfc822;tomanti@optonline.net

At 08:54 AM 7/11/2005, you wrote:
I could drop by on Tuesday. Let me know if you prefer any particular time.
I should be in the Chair's office from 10 AM - noon. See you then.

Teng-fong Wong, Chair and Professor of Geophysics
Department of Geosciences, ESS Building
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2100, USA
Chair's office: (631) 632 8139
Faculty office: (631) 632 8212 Lab:(631) 632 8302
Fax: (631) 632 8240
e-mail: Teng-fong.Wong@stonybrook.edu
I met Teng-fong Wong, the Chair of the Department of Geosciences, Tuesday, July 12, 2005, at 10:30 AM. Just before the meeting, I noticed that somebody went through my possessions in my office (Rm 336) and that my mail box in the mail room was removed. Teng-fong told me that the university administrators were unhappy with my Web site and that this placed the Department in a difficult position. The Department and the University retaliated by taking my name off the list of faculty members on the departmental Web site and kicked me out from my office. I was told to remove my belongings from the office by the end of July. By removing me from the list of faculty members, the Department officially reduced the number of conservative professors at the University by one.
July 13, 2005

Professor Teng-fong Wong, Chair
Department of Geosciences
SUNY at Stony Brook

Dear Teng-fong,

As you mentioned in our meeting yesterday, my name has been removed from the list of the faculty members on the departmental Web site. It is clear that this happened in retaliation for publishing my new Web site http://suny-stonybrook.blogspot.com/. This means that the University decided to punish me for exercising the most basic right of all American citizens, the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. I want to appeal this decision and need to know who among the “higher-ups” ordered my name to be removed. I also expect the Department as a group and the faculty members as individuals to rally in my support and denounce this decision. Please, respond by posting a comment on my Web site under “Communications with Faculty Members at Geosciences.” I would also appreciate supporting comments by other faculty members. Thank you in advance for your support.

Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 17:19:59 -0400
From: Teng-fong Wong
Subject: storage your materials
To: Tibor Gasparik
Cc: Owen Evans

Dear Tibor:
To follow up on our discussion when we met last week, I talked to Owen who has now identified a cabinet (with lock) that he will make available to you for storage of your journals and other materials. Please contact him when you are ready to move. Also let him know If you need help moving.
All the best, Teng-fong

Teng-fong Wong, Chair and Professor of Geophysics
Department of Geosciences, ESS Building
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2100, USA
Chair's office: (631) 632 8139
Faculty office: (631) 632 8212 Lab:(631) 632 8302
Fax: (631) 632 8240
July 26, 2005

Professor Teng-fong Wong, Chair
Department of Geosciences
SUNY at Stony Brook

Dear Teng-fong,

This is to notify you that I have filed a complaint with the Office of Special Counsel. While my case is under consideration, any further action against me, including eviction from my office (Room 336), would be viewed as retaliation. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.

Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 11:27:10 -0400
From: OSC E-Filing administrator
Subject: OSC E-Filing System: Form Submission
To: Tibor Gasparik
X-Mailer: VSEMail
X-Library: Indy 9.00.03-B
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 20 Jul 2005 15:27:10.0859 (UTC)

Dear Tibor Gasparik,

This is to notify you that your electronic form has been received by OSC's E-Filing System. It does not mean that the information in your form has been reviewed. Please print out a copy of this message for your records.

You will soon receive an e-mail message officially acknowledging receipt of your form and notifying you of the OSC case number assigned to it.

If you have not already done so, please refer to our website concerning how your case will be processed.

OSC E-Filing System
August 12, 2005

Dear Teng-fong,

This is to let you know that I filed a complaint against the university in the Federal District Court in Central Islip on August 11, 2005. The summons has been served today. Therefore, any further action against me, including unauthorized eviction from my office (Rm 336), would be viewed as retaliation or intimidation, which is unlawful pursuant 42 U.S.C. 1985. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
Regards, Tibor

At 05:01 PM 8/10/2005, you wrote:
Dear Tibor,
This is to follow up on my e-mail to you dated 7/27, in which I notified you for the second time that we have identified a cabinet (with lock) in ESS Room 130 that is available for storage of your journals and other materials. I also informed you in the same e-mail that desk space is available if you so request, and that you should contact Owen when you are ready to move.
However, it is my understanding that you still have not contacted him about this matter.
A Visiting Professor will arrive from Cambridge University in August, and I would like to ensure that Room 336 is ready for him to move in before classes start in the Fall. Accordingly I have instructed Owen to proceed with moving your stuff to storage in Room 130 on August 15. I understand that you still have in your possession the key for ESS room 336, which I would appreciate your returning ASAP to the Department.
Regards, Teng-fong

Teng-fong Wong, Chair and Professor of Geophysics
Department of Geosciences, ESS Building
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2100, USA
Chair's office: (631) 632 8139
Faculty office: (631) 632 8212 Lab:(631) 632 8302
Fax: (631) 632 8240
Letter from Teng-fong Wong from August 25, 2005:

john.parise@stonybrook.edu, 03:00 PM 12/14/2006, Application

To: john.parise@stonybrook.edu
Subject: Application
X-Attachments: C:\Documents and Settings\Tibor Gasparik\My Documents\Parise.doc;

Dear Professor Parise:

I am resubmitting my application for the advertised faculty position, since I have not received a confirmation that my original application from November 6 was received. It is a standard practice and common courtesy to acknowledge the receipt of a job application, especially if the job announcement specifies an exact date and time by which applications must be submitted. Please, confirm that my application is being considered.

Yours truly,

Tibor Gasparik
Research Associate Professor

Professor John B. Parise, Chair
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Geosciences
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2100

Attached please find my application for the advertised faculty position. A signed copy is in the mail.

Tibor Gasparik

Tibor Gasparik
352 Plad Blvd
Holtsville, NY 11742
Phone: (631) 447-2168

Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:03:05 -0400
From: disgro@notes.cc.sunysb.edu
Subject: Faculty Position @ SUNY Stony Brook
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Original-recipient: rfc822;tomanti@optonline.net
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Professor John Parise
Department of Geosciences
Department of Chemistry
Stony Brook NY 11794-2100, USA
+1-631-632-8196 (8240 FAX)

June 19, 2007

Dr. Tibor Gasparik
352 Plad Blvd
Holtsville, NY 11742

Dear Dr. Gasparik,

After careful deliberation, the Department of Geoscience Search Committee at Stony Brook University has screened the list of candidates for Assistant Professor down to a short list. For the convenience of candidates in making future plans, the committee thought that each candidate who is presently not under consideration should be notified as quickly as possible. The committee has given serious consideration to your candidacy and has placed your application in the non-continuing category. Thank you for your interest.

Yours Sincerely,

John B. Parise
Chair of the Search Committee

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