Thursday, June 30, 2005


Open Letter to the Science Adviser to the President

June 30, 2005

Dr. John H. Marburger, III, Director
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Executive Office of the President
Washington, DC 20502

Dear Dr. Marburger,

I apologize for this open letter, but my previous letter to you went unanswered. Here I would like to bring to your attention my new Web site and invite you to post a comment. The Web site intends to document the discrimination against conservative and other non-liberal scientists at the universities in the United States in hiring, retention and promotion, and includes my account of persecution at the Department of Geosciences, SUNY at Stony Brook. I brought my case to your attention in the previous letter, including all supporting documentation, because I thought that you would be interested, as the previous President of the SUNY at Stony Brook, to find out how the University has been faring under the direction of your successor, Dr. Shirley Strum Kenny.

In my previous letter from July 9, 2004, I also brought to your attention the rapid deterioration in the funding environment for research caused by the extreme liberal policies introduced by the former NSF Director, Dr. Rita R. Colwell. I asked you to expedite the appointment of a new NSF Director because I thought that Dr. Bement, being at that time only an Acting Director, did not have the mandate to initiate the badly needed reforms. Subsequently, the President appointed Dr. Bement in September 2004. Unfortunately, I have not seen any evidence so far that Dr. Bement is going to introduce any reforms; in fact, he seems to continue to adhere to the extreme liberal policies of his predecessor. Thanks to her policies, research is no longer the highest priority, and the NSF now mainly funds a vast array of meetings, short courses and workshops, far in excess of what is needed to exchange ideas, disseminate research results, promote science and educate. Instead, the main purpose of these meetings, short courses and workshops appears to be liberal activism, indoctrination in the liberal viewpoints, brainwashing of students into accepting liberal ideas and favored dogmas of their leaders, glorification of the all-knowing leadership of the liberal scientific elite, and endless promotion of their meager scientific achievements and favored liberal causes, such as climate change or environment. Because of these policies, the primary mission of the NSF now appears to be the transformation of the American scientific community into some kind of a utopian society. Of course, there is no place in this society for conservative scientists, or even those scientists who are not sufficiently liberal in their convictions to accept that ideology is more important than science.

I hope you will use this opportunity to post a comment on my Web site to answer both letters. You might also consider advising the President to start paying attention to the widespread discrimination against conservative scientists in the Academia. The fact that this takeover of research and higher education by liberals was allowed to happen in this country is truly a national disgrace. Thank you for your kind attention on this matter.

Sincerely yours,
Tibor Gasparik
Research Associate Professor

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